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Re: Go public, or keep it a secret?

Re: Go public, or keep it a secret?2011-01-05T22:31:34+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! Other Go public, or keep it a secret? Re: Go public, or keep it a secret?


Post count: 14413

Hey All!

I have the AD/HD T-Shirt and get nothing but positive resposes from people.

I love to wear it to our local pub and get many positive comments..believe or not, from parents of AD/HD kids.

Great conversation starter and you get to talk all about yourself!

What could be better for an AD/HD person who loves to gab.

I bought one for a friend for Xmas!

Most of my friends, family and people in my profession (hairstyling) are AD/HD so I am the norm in my circle of friends.

Anyone else surrounded by other AD/HD’ ers?