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Re: Has anyone just used Strattera for ADHD? Never anything else. Lets chat…

Re: Has anyone just used Strattera for ADHD? Never anything else. Lets chat…2011-07-02T13:56:05+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Strattera Has anyone just used Strattera for ADHD? Never anything else. Lets chat… Re: Has anyone just used Strattera for ADHD? Never anything else. Lets chat…


Post count: 14413

tkinder… interesting post about racing heart… May I ask if you were diagnosed as impulsive, inattentive or both symptoms in regards to your ADHD?

Curious based on Dr J post above if a psycho-stimulant “might” be better for one with both impulsive and inattention issues over Strattera. Anybody have thoughts? Has anyone been on Strattera and then switched to another stimulant and gained better results for these two specific issues.

I have no drug or alcoholic addictions past or present! (I understand this may be a concern if prescribing certain stimulants).