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Re: Has anyone tried the Paleo-diet?

Re: Has anyone tried the Paleo-diet?2012-10-29T08:28:09+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Diet Has anyone tried the Paleo-diet? Re: Has anyone tried the Paleo-diet?


allan wallace
Post count: 478

Gee whiz, I thought that rice is healthy! My diet is, and has always been terrible. It’s a wonder that I’m not the size of an elephant. Diet is one of those things that I’ve always procrastinated about, just like gardening. I’ve always thought how lovely it would be to have a pretty little garden with lots of colourful flowers, but because we move around so much I’ve used that as an excuse to not take those first tentative steps into the flora…I have a weakness for chocolate. Oh, and crisps, and donuts…especially the donuts with pink icing. I’d like to be a refuge for unwanted and neglected donuts the world over… 8)