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Re: Have you ever asked for accommodation at work for ADHD? What happened?

Re: Have you ever asked for accommodation at work for ADHD? What happened?2011-11-29T18:06:28+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Who to Tell? Have you ever asked for accommodation at work for ADHD? What happened? Re: Have you ever asked for accommodation at work for ADHD? What happened?


Post count: 14413

I was struggling at work and I did inform my boss of my ADHD. Fortunately, I work for a large national corporation that prides itself on diversity and accomodation. I was provided with a workplace assessment and a few options were suggested including moving me to a desk in a quieter area, providing me with noise cancelling headphones, providing a “do not disturb” sign to put up to advise colleagues not to distract me, and moving my shift to a time that was easier for me to manage. I am really lucky, and the only reason I had disclosed is because I had been working with my manager for a year by that point, and I knew that her own son had some developmental issues, so she would be understanding.