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Re: Have you ever asked for accommodation at work for ADHD? What happened?

Re: Have you ever asked for accommodation at work for ADHD? What happened?2010-12-01T01:51:01+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Who to Tell? Have you ever asked for accommodation at work for ADHD? What happened? Re: Have you ever asked for accommodation at work for ADHD? What happened?


Post count: 14413

I work as a teacher in a college so they are pretty concern with this kind of disorder with student and they offered me some accomodations. They offerd me to see the student psychologist if ever I needed tips in between my on meetings with my psychologist and they work with me, a teacher couselor and the chief of my department to take care of my reputation that had build before I was diagnose (being late, mixted-up in papers, procrastinator) helping my relationship with collegues and students . Because the student were complaining of my organisation and not my skills and knowledge they were reassured, I am still being monitored and still as to prove myself but I have a safety net around me and for now it’s been working ok (not perfect but better).

I did present my case with my psyhologist and doctor notes and also avoid some details and talk more about the solutions and suffering I had experience in the last years.