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Re: Here's a really big part of the whole Holistic approach to recovery-continued

Re: Here's a really big part of the whole Holistic approach to recovery-continued2012-08-05T18:56:49+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments A Holistic Approach Here's a really big part of the whole Holistic approach to recovery-continued Re: Here's a really big part of the whole Holistic approach to recovery-continued


Post count: 1096

Ipsofacto – that sounds lovely! I started cycling recently thanks to some inspiation from JimC so I look forward to being that observant when I am pedalling around.

I don’t see how mindfulness can possibly dull ones senses. Just the one little exercise I did in the pharmacy made me aware of each noise individually rather than just hearing a wall of miscellaneous irritating noise. That is heightening my senses in a positive way I would have thought.