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Re: Hi from a new member!

Re: Hi from a new member!2011-12-27T14:50:16+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! I Suspect I Am Hi from a new member! Re: Hi from a new member!


Post count: 1096

Hey carsonky – you’ve just described me – except I also have a temper! Please try to get a formal diagnosis. I am trying ritalin at the moment and whilst it’s great for my temper I am still undecided on the concentration/motivation aspects with it. BUT when I take it I do just seem to automatically do stuff around the house that I just couldn’t do before. Simple things like washing up gets done etc. I just seem to tidy up and that’s just unheard of normally. It’s definitely worth trying out some meds just to get you on track. But this is the best site for AD/HD and there’s so much to learn from the others and just knowing you’re not alone is great.