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Re: High IQ and you can't market or sell a product or youself

Re: High IQ and you can't market or sell a product or youself2011-10-29T15:46:01+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I Don't Get People High IQ and you can't market or sell a product or youself Re: High IQ and you can't market or sell a product or youself


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I don’t know where I read it, but the whole job interview process is broken. Instead of finding the person best qualified for the job, prospective hire-ers are winding up with the best salesmen.

I don’t have the best social skills – I tend to avoid speaking out in fear of saying the wrong thing. A lot of the jobs I’ve held required me to be a “team player.” What a joke. To add to the confusion, I have difficulty interpreting signals and often miss key parts of instructions.

At any rate, I’m telecommuting now and I seem to be an indispensable part of the group I’m part of. I only communicate via phone or email, and it’s not perfect, but it seems to be working a bit better than my previous jobs. It also helps that the work is varied enough that I’m never doing the same thing twice – so it keeps me from getting bored.

One thing I’ve learned since diagnosis with ADHD is to recognize when it is my ADHD that is holding me back. If I am afraid to bring something up to my superior, I now know that it’s not a something I really have to be afraid of and can force myself to move past it. Not perfect, but it helps.