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Re: High IQ and you can't market or sell a product or youself

Re: High IQ and you can't market or sell a product or youself2011-10-29T14:24:54+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I Don't Get People High IQ and you can't market or sell a product or youself Re: High IQ and you can't market or sell a product or youself


Post count: 546

I am so sorry to hear that.I am on the other side of the coin . I have a low IQ I can go to a job interview sell myself get the job, but within six months I would lose or quit. and now I too am on disability . so I guess with out all the right pieces to the puzzle of life we are all lost. fixing it is easier said then done.I have learned when I put others problems a head of mine seems to help find solutions for some of mine. I think thats because it takes some of the pressure off. sorry I can’t be more help. 😥