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Re: Holidays… I hate holidays. Does anyone out there like them?

Re: Holidays… I hate holidays. Does anyone out there like them?2011-12-23T16:12:01+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Other Holidays… I hate holidays. Does anyone out there like them? Re: Holidays… I hate holidays. Does anyone out there like them?


Patte Rosebank
Post count: 1517

About 10 years ago, there was a Christmas special that aired on SCN, PBS, and other “educational” channels, about Tasha Tudor and how she celebrated Christmas. It was called “Take Joy”.

She was shown in her simple cottage, decorating her tree with ornaments that had been in her family since the 1860s and with homemade decorations, and carrying out the old traditions documented in several of her books. This included cooking the turkey in a Victorian-era roasting pan in front of the fireplace, and making & giving homemade presents.

It was all so peaceful and it was clear that the traditions were being continued because they were pleasant, not because they *had* to be done.