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Re: homeopathic approach to adhd

Re: homeopathic approach to adhd2011-12-31T18:00:25+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication homeopathic approach to adhd Re: homeopathic approach to adhd


Post count: 14413

The naturopath information is interesting, I havent had any experience and can’t be any worse than some of the quacky doctors. :)

Thankyou for the feedback. Have to see what 2012 brings. Spending more than I make on drugs and such as it is.

Actually, it is good to know that there are alternatves to drugs for ADHD, I seem to be getting the side effects without any feeling of a change or anything after 4 months.

Ironically, with the exception of toofat, there are very few with adhd writing in to say how they have succeeded at managing it.