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Re: How come there are jobs that won't allow anyone in if they are ADHD?

Re: How come there are jobs that won't allow anyone in if they are ADHD?2009-12-05T06:28:04+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace ADHD-Friendly Careers How come there are jobs that won't allow anyone in if they are ADHD? Re: How come there are jobs that won't allow anyone in if they are ADHD?


Post count: 2

I must agree with Dr.J. I had a job in a small firm with three main partners. I used to refer to them as the good, the bad and ugly. The good one advocated my position within the firm and I worked closely with him in solving major issues within projects, but generally had the least power of the three. The bad, always seem to be putting everyone down, include me; always wanted to be the dominant one. And the ugly (mostly because of his looks, not his character), seem to be the most objective one with a really good sense of judgment; always acknowledged person’s strengths, while still holding each individual accountable for their actions in a respectful way.

It so happens that the ugly one left the firm and the bad one gained more than half control of the partnership. The structure that I was used to, as dysfunctional as it was, completely broke down for me. Within 9 months of the change of the partnership, I was out. All due to the change of chemistry within the office and the imbalance that I felt; I gave up caring for the place I worked for over 13 years.