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Re: How do I know Adderall is right for me?

Re: How do I know Adderall is right for me?2010-12-04T01:55:43+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Adderall XR How do I know Adderall is right for me? Re: How do I know Adderall is right for me?


Post count: 14413

Hey Dr. J,

I’m on 10mg / day of Adderall XR, and seem to feel some chest tightness/apprehension around the 1.5 hour mark, but I don’t really notice it helping me work / get through the day undistracted. At around 5 – 6:00pm I get that funny frontal lobe pressure for about an hour and then I’m good. Also, I sure seem to yawn a lot all morning. Like 20-30 times??? Not sure what thats about. So – I definately know it’s doing something as I get some side effects/withdrawal, but doubling up to 20mg sounds like too big of a jump doesn’t it? Especially after reading ram67’s comment. I’m a 32 yr old male at 170lbs. I actually liked dex a lot more because it completely obliterated any feelings of anxiety, yet the withdrawal was a little more intense. After a week of Adderall, my wife says I’m very grumpy in the evenings as well.