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Re: How do I know Adderall is right for me?

Re: How do I know Adderall is right for me?2010-12-04T05:09:38+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Adderall XR How do I know Adderall is right for me? Re: How do I know Adderall is right for me?


Post count: 12

I haven’t had the anxiety and physical symptoms with Adderrall, though I can identify with some of what’s been described when I started on Strattera and thereafter Ritalin. Current dose of Adderall is 20mg, twice daily. But with that, for anxiety, Serax (Oxazepam-I think) was prescribed and that helps both with the anxiety and getting decent sleep. I’ll admit, I do yawn a bit within a couple of hours of my morning dose, even though I slept ok. I’m switching to the Adderall XR next week, for some of the reasons mentioned by Dr. J. My Dr. (Pschiatrist) has been very diligent in working out dosage, meds and effects over a 5-month period. Don’t give up without talking to your physician.