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Re: How do I know Adderall is right for me?

Re: How do I know Adderall is right for me?2010-12-07T05:23:48+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Adderall XR How do I know Adderall is right for me? Re: How do I know Adderall is right for me?


Post count: 14413

I am on Adderall XR and it seems to only last about 5 hours for me. Is this normal? I was told it would last 8+ hours. I see that some people are taking it twice daily? Do I need to do this? Do I need a different medication? I have been ADD my whole life but was diagnosed at age 46 about 6 months ago. I would love something that gave me that very focused feeling all day. Is there such a thing?