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Re: How do I know Adderall is right for me?

Re: How do I know Adderall is right for me?2010-12-02T08:53:18+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Adderall XR How do I know Adderall is right for me? Re: How do I know Adderall is right for me?


Post count: 14413

Adderall XR is a combination of mixed dextro-amphetamine salts and should have a smoother effect than short acting Dex. The dose that is correct is the one that allows you to achieve the target behavior you want. It is not going to eliminate ALL the symptoms. It is kind of like breaking the log jam and then the momentum carries itself. Watch for withdrawal problems near the end of it’s cycle, around 8-10 hours. Anxiety and agitation may occur around 1-3 hours of taking the meds. Try to do more of the harder attentional tasks during this time as it soaks up the Adderall XR and makes the side effects lessened.

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