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Re: How do you deal with these people?

Re: How do you deal with these people?2010-12-08T13:13:37+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! No One Believes Me How do you deal with these people? Re: How do you deal with these people?


Post count: 913

She is – just that for years it was never mentioned and now all of a sudden “oh, by the way……….”

MAYBE she was relying on the MIS-diagnosis of doctors and “specialists” over the years and she finally found one who knew…

There are some shows I can sit through – they have to be action shows or keep my attention. Only two movies really keep me sitting, and I’ve watched both of them problably 10 times in the last year or two. Many sci-fi shows keep my attention for the most part – although I’ll take breaks for another can of pop or snack or talk to the cats, etc. (when I say “sit” – I don’t mean still or quietly….)