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Re: How does a person enter the ADHD education field?

Re: How does a person enter the ADHD education field?2009-12-06T20:43:00+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community How does a person enter the ADHD education field? Re: How does a person enter the ADHD education field?


Post count: 44

Speaking as a student in college finally having a successful semester, the Centre for Students With Disabilities (at Centennial College, Toronto, ON) has been a *huge* help for me. The two people I have had the most contact with are both counsellors (one of whom is identified as a “Disabilities Counsellor”), but I have also worked with an Assistive Technologist and Learning Strategist (neither of these people for very long, since I don’t use a lot of assistive technology, and the Learning Strategist works with people who have identified learning disabilities – lucky for me, I just have ADHD – but they are both really nice, and still check in with me to see how I’m doing :)

Even the office admin has been great, just to pop in and chat to, get favours from, and celebrate/brag my successes with. :) Also in the office is a Disabilities Technician/Assistant – I believe her role is to facilitate the use of tech recommended by the A.T.