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Re: How to succeed in a marriage when one spouse has ADD

Re: How to succeed in a marriage when one spouse has ADD2010-12-10T17:32:57+00:00

The Forums Forums For The Non-ADD I Married An ADDer How to succeed in a marriage when one spouse has ADD Re: How to succeed in a marriage when one spouse has ADD


Post count: 14413

Funny we spend more time studying for drivers license than we do studying and preparing good partnering and communication skills. We actually do very little preparation or ongoing study for the biggest event our lives our partner relationship??? We tend to rely on the same flawed skills we watched out parents use in their relationship….YIKES!!!!

Yet we marvel at why we ( mixed brain relationships ) struggle…..basically we have two completely different modes of brain function trying to garner communicative harmony. Not impossible but not for the unskilled either. You put a linear compartmentalized brain function and a random visualizing brain function put in a room together…what could go wrong??? Kinda maybe like a french speaking person and an cantonese speaking person trying to have a chat…. maybe about a vital or emotion laden issue and marveling at the difficulty. Over time it can be down right frustrating….no? It can be done I’m 60 ADD (1980) and married to the same linear process partner for over 35 years.