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Re: How to succeed in a marriage when one spouse has ADD

Re: How to succeed in a marriage when one spouse has ADD2010-01-08T19:01:53+00:00

The Forums Forums For The Non-ADD I Married An ADDer How to succeed in a marriage when one spouse has ADD Re: How to succeed in a marriage when one spouse has ADD


Post count: 14413

My girlfriend is reading a book by Gina Pera – “Stopping The Rollercoaster” to help her deal with my AD/HD while we figure out my treatment (I’m on stimulants but I’m having a hard time sourcing a coach or savvy psychologist here in Australia, so we’re contenting ourselves with books off Amazon and the odd trip to my psychiatrist).

Its written specifically for partners of ADDers. She’s said its helped her a lot so far. Hope that helps.