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Re: hypnotherapy and ADD

Re: hypnotherapy and ADD2011-01-14T23:48:18+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments hypnotherapy and ADD Re: hypnotherapy and ADD


Post count: 24


Hi Bill, don’t mind me. This is not personal, so please take my criticism for what it is. Criticism of hypnosis.

I will absolutely not discount the skill of the hypnotherapist. If a hypnotist is a trained and certified in clinical mental health or as trained mental health counselor, and is licensed to practice, then a hypnotist can deliver those services that meet the license without objection from me.

Yep! Anyone can achieve exactly what the hypnotist can offer as a hypnotist. I’m sure a hypnotist will tell you that. Guided is not meant to be an exotic term that is meant to intone some great special skill needed to get one to relax and let go, so to speak. It is just a guide. Larynxa points to meditation, which for all intents and purposes, does more good, with the exception of the weirdo’s who produce meditation “FILL IN PROBLEM HERE” cd’s and DVDs. Mediation is meditation, not an industry.

Certainly an anxious person, or a person who feels hopeless, or a person who feels powerless, or a person suffering from depression, certainly they deserve legitimate, safe, and effective therapy. Hypnotherapy by itself, does not do that. The phrase “Hypnotherapy helps people deal with negative thoughts and behaviors quickly and easily “. Quickly and easily, I have serious doubts with.

CBT is a time tested therapy and a well honed psychological tool. Comparing CBT to hypnosis is ridiculous to me.

Now for my biggest bone of contention. Wendi Friesen.

This women claims, with the use of her hypnosis recordings, you can “Quit Smoking”, “Stop Procrastination”, stop “Bedwetting”, heal “Cancer”, stop “Snoring”, gain “Financial Abundance”, “Increase Penis Size”, increase “Fertility”, “Breast Enlargement”, all in all, about 300 cds and DVDs. This is the world of hypnosis.

That is why I have a problem with the use of hypnosis for anyone, for anything, except entertainment, and even at that the subject will admit to playing along.


Dennis ʘ‿ʘ