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Re: I couldn't believe it…but I'm ADHD

Re: I couldn't believe it…but I'm ADHD2011-10-10T18:54:42+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! My Story I couldn't believe it…but I'm ADHD Re: I couldn't believe it…but I'm ADHD


Post count: 913

Suzybear i can totally relate! I’ve had these “issues” since gradeschool – EARLY grade school. So bad, so much so, they all called in a school psychologist who simply said it was due to high IQ and my being bored. Bored, yeah, almost always! I’ve got it SO bad, I was in many car accidents, had long strings of speeding tickets, broke bones, got into a table saw, and have trouble at work – I either get bored and quit, or get to the point of being in big trouble, and decide to move on………..

I’m very nearly at the top of their scales of the “no, maybe, we think so, and WOW, does he ever have it” tests. I typically do well on tests – and it seems when given a test for ADHD, I ace those, too. Meds – well, MAYBE finally after several months of being tossed between this person, that person, this one again, now a different person, and then back again, something may be done?

Remember, I’m pulling for ya. We’re all in this together!