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Re: I do not understand

Re: I do not understand2010-12-10T04:44:41+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? ADHD/ADD in Adults I do not understand Re: I do not understand


Post count: 14413

Hey Clive,

I got a referral to a psychiatrist at St.Joseph’s and got a diagnosis after a three or four sessions and got my prescriptions fairly quickly. I just hate how long its taking to get the dosage right. Maybe its just your G.P. I may have had an advantage of having my son getting a diagnosis first, which made me realize I might be ADHD as well. I found that since adult ADHD is just coming on the radar more now that a lot of doctors still don’t much so you have to tell them what you want or need and almost push them to help. Don’t be hesitant about getting information from other sources and giving it to your doctor. I’ve been getting information about my own ADHD from my son’s pediatrician who specializes in ADHD and then go to my G.P. and tell them what we should do next.

I couldn’t follow your link to the Spectator article, I would have liked to read it.