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Re: I don't know how I feel / indecisive

Re: I don't know how I feel / indecisive2010-08-24T21:45:24+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community I don't know how I feel / indecisive Re: I don't know how I feel / indecisive


Post count: 14413

It’s overwhelming sometimes, like, when you’re offered a thousand choices in everything from a menu to what’s on TV. I can go up and down the 500 channels and never settle on anything. But then maybe all TV is crap these days.

Is there such a thing as a ‘right choice”?

And as for what to, whether to decide on the first thing that comes into your mind or weigh the options, I think that depends on the situation.

I get what Dr. Jain is saying about not wanting to finish something cause then it might be rejected. If I take a good hard look at what I’m doing, and why so much stuff is close but not complete, I can see I do that a lot. I can tinker and tinker and tinker…

Good enough. Good enough. Hmmm, I gotta try that phrase on for size.