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Re: I don't know how I feel / indecisive

Re: I don't know how I feel / indecisive2010-08-08T21:58:07+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community I don't know how I feel / indecisive Re: I don't know how I feel / indecisive


Post count: 14413

I get bewildered when people ask me how I’m doing, because I never have any idea how I’m doing, and I forget to say, “Fine, thanks,” and have it over with…

Most women process things verbally, so talking to your DH about it until you understand why you’re uncomfortable with a decision that’s being made is the surest way to understand yourself. It can be hard on your husband, though, and it might help to tell him first, “I need to talk about this until I’m clearer about what I really think,” and let him know that you need him to be a sounding board, so he knows what’s expected of him.

That said, when I can’t decide between two options, I sometimes just pick one at random to see how I feel about it. If I don’t care, fine. But if there’s a sinking feeling, well then, I probably should go back and pick the other option.