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Re: I found a new outlet for my creative and outgoing personallity

Re: I found a new outlet for my creative and outgoing personallity2010-08-25T07:46:07+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Excited/Relieved I found a new outlet for my creative and outgoing personallity Re: I found a new outlet for my creative and outgoing personallity


Post count: 14413


Odd that you should mention magic. My ADD dad just loved to watch magic shows of any kind. I could never understand what he found so fascinating about them. On the other hand, there was me, the ADD daughter. I wanted to bang my head against the wall if I heard my dad call us to come watch some magic show. To just sit still and watch? Torture. Almost no dialogue happening to help draw my mind in? More torture.

That’s what makes this world such an interesting place. We’re all so different but still delightful!