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Re: I found out I am ADHD at the age of 51

Re: I found out I am ADHD at the age of 512011-01-04T05:40:26+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace ADHD-Friendly Careers I found out I am ADHD at the age of 51 Re: I found out I am ADHD at the age of 51


Post count: 14413

Wendy thanks for responding.

It has been so long since I have had a job I really liked and wanted. I selected this field because it will still be around in twenty years and technology has become the way of the world. What I enjoy doing is desktop publishing. I just do not see that earning me the kind of lifestyle I would like to have.

The only other thing I really enjoy is driving. Driving for a living can take the fun out of it. You know, rules and regulations, they tend to get in the way. Now if I could get a good paying job test driving cars by finding out what they are capable of, that would be the bomb.

Outside of the math, I am not the corporate type. I am too political. I do not have it in me anymore. My patience is all used up. Who administered the aptitude test?