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Re: I get impatient and frustrated with the smallest tasks…

Re: I get impatient and frustrated with the smallest tasks…2012-09-29T03:29:27+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Cranky/Arguing/Frustrated I get impatient and frustrated with the smallest tasks… Re: I get impatient and frustrated with the smallest tasks…


Post count: 14413

Impatience and frustration! Goodness, that’s me. I buy groceries, hate to put them away but a week later freak out because I didn’t use anything and it is all spoiled. I hate to cook…takes too much time and I am confused about what spices to use or having to wash the pans…so I eat junk and yes, have a weight problem. KEYS…if I don’t hang them up when I get home, of course I don’t remember where they are and that’s really scary when you think you are going to be late for work. I am not one to be late though…I have extra keys JUST in case but you understand what I’m saying. I work at a grocery store and we wear a uniform so I don’t wear nice clothes much…needed to get dressed up this week and NO SHOES so I had to wear work shoes…still can’t find jewelry I put somewhere because workpeople needed entry to my apt and still can’t find the box…interesting phenomena!