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Re: I managed to talk myself out of my ideal job — need something to help focus

Re: I managed to talk myself out of my ideal job — need something to help focus2011-06-18T22:47:30+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Struggling I managed to talk myself out of my ideal job — need something to help focus Re: I managed to talk myself out of my ideal job — need something to help focus


Post count: 14413

Well I have been spending my day making a power point of behavioral questions, answers, examples and “dig deeper” follow questions and answers.

Now I need to get the stop watch out and start timing answers, I think, correct me if I am wrong, the right length would be less then 30-45 seconds.

My friend is on a business trip in Asia till the end of the month, but will make some time to coach me when he is back.