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Re: I managed to talk myself out of my ideal job — need something to help focus

Re: I managed to talk myself out of my ideal job — need something to help focus2011-06-18T12:26:37+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Struggling I managed to talk myself out of my ideal job — need something to help focus Re: I managed to talk myself out of my ideal job — need something to help focus


Post count: 14413

I am a run-off-at-the-mouth talker too. But I was good at interviews. Your resume must be ok if you’re getting into interviews, but you might run it by some friends to see what they think.

I practiced interviewing. It’s an art. You want to anticipate what kinds of questions they’ll ask, and have ready-made answers for them. You practice the answers, can do it with a friend, great if you video-tape it too so you can see your body language. Then when you get into the real interview situation, it’s easier. It’s like performing, as they say, how do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, practice, practice….

It’s a script that you stick to in an interview. Once you’ve given the answer, you SHUT UP. Don’t embroider it. They might ask a question to dig a bit deeper and that’s where you have to be careful not to go off on a tangent. It’s very helpful to have stories to give for questions, like giving an example where you did something that saved the company money, or something, I can’t think of any examples right now, but stories are a good way to express in an interview. You say they wanted teamwork, so reword your script so it screams teamwork.

I found the Knock ‘Em Dead books (author Bates?) to be great, for resumes, and getting jobs. Try searching on amazon for them.

I got a few jobs that I wasn’t as qualified for as I thought but I interviewed so well I got hired.

It also helps to realize that even if you don’t get hired, you’re interviewing and getting a chance to hone those skills. Who knows which interview will lead to a job offer? No interviews, no job offer. So keep trying! As they say in zen, 7 times fall down, 8 times get up again. 😉