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Re: I now “Know” what I've always suspected

Re: I now “Know” what I've always suspected2010-11-30T02:58:49+00:00

The Forums Forums I Just Found Out! My Story I now "Know" what I've always suspected Re: I now “Know” what I've always suspected


Post count: 14413


You are an important part of life and you are special and needed. The world WOULD be a worse place without you. We all have something very special to share and an important part to play in life. Never give up hope and belief in yourself. You can do this. Please continue to come here for peace and respite, but also seek professional help if you need it. I went to a psychologist for several years and also attended a support group and it did help alot, if nothing more than to make me realize that others shared the same challenges in life. It takes a lot of courage to open up like you have. Good luck on your journey and know that you don’t walk alone!