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Re: I was just told that Adult ADHD didn't Exist….

Re: I was just told that Adult ADHD didn't Exist….2011-10-06T14:53:33+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community I was just told that Adult ADHD didn't Exist…. Re: I was just told that Adult ADHD didn't Exist….


Post count: 913

My neuro-psychologist (lucky to get in to one as they are rare around here) takes it differently. He believes it’s a problem, he treats it seriously, however, all he does is diagnose, test, and report back to the referring person – THEY handle treatment based on his recommendations. He’s of the though that “drugs” are often a very good place to start, THEN once you gain a little control back (IF the drugs work at all) you can move on to help yourself.

I believe it’s hard to repair the walls and roof of your house if the foundation is collapsing. Seems he feels the same…..

There WERE some things about me I had trouble explaining to him, and he seemed like “oh, really?” but he didn’t dis-believe me. We went over my whole profile, and he’s smart enough to see that although ADHD can cause a lot of things, just because you have ADHD AND those things doesn’t mean those things are all a result of the ADHD – they can exist on their own. So he takes a more “whole” approach. He wanted to know all about the sleep study, the heart study, all of it.

Otherwise, unfortunately, “in general terms” Wgreen is too correct.

There are a few who believe differently, lucky thing – they believe ADHD is serious, and underestimated. For me, it can be life-threatening. I’m literally dangerous in certain circumstances and have the scars to prove it, and the accident record to prove it.