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Re: I was just told that Adult ADHD didn't Exist….

Re: I was just told that Adult ADHD didn't Exist….2011-10-21T03:18:59+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community I was just told that Adult ADHD didn't Exist…. Re: I was just told that Adult ADHD didn't Exist….


Post count: 14413

Hey MonkeyBarb, to answer a small question you had earlier- GTA stands for the Greater Toronto Area (the city proper and all the suburbs). A few of us throw that out every once in a while along with some other southern Ontario ‘talk’ or locations. Every time I see it I think some of the rest of our group from far flung locations are probably thinking, “Huh? Where’s that? Who is that?”

As to your question about the doctor with that list of specialties be someone who could diagnose ADHD? I don’t think so BUT I’m not an expert. Most of those ones sound like the specialties I would see listed for the docs who deal with issues stemming from major accidents/traumas to the brain due to physical accidents or maybe even something like a stroke.