The Forums › Forums › What is it? › The Neurology › If ADHD describes the symptoms, are we all suffering from the same thing? › Re: If ADHD describes the symptoms, are we all suffering from the same thing?
Wow sugargremlin, the next to your last post really sums up a lot of me – driving issues, nodding off after an hour, this, for example, is me in many ways:
>>Some people on here talk about superior ability to multitask and finish work rapidly. or to work in fast-paced adrenaline fueled situations. Not me at all. I am the opposite. I am slow like a slug, I get lost in thought, I linger on tasks, I lose track of time, I have a lot of cognitive noise in which I have trouble making decisions,<<
krazykats’ post on school — I COULD have been a mostly A student. I was in areas I really enjoyed and applied myself. Science – with the right teacher, and I was an A student, almost anything shop-related, I was A student – however, I found the TEACHER had a huge impact on how I applied myself – depending on their personality and how they taught. 8th grade science he got REALLY deep, and did a lot of demonstrations – not lectures. Later on, however, it was a lot of lecture, and less demonstration. I had trouble even though I LOVE science.
Once I got to college – I was almost straight A. Frequent breaks and labs…….
One of the funniest parts comes from high school. I HATED English classes. but I needed another credit so I took of all things “survey of American Literature”. Yeah, it meant reading a lot of books, doing reports, passing tests on the books, questions about the author, etc.
I never read any of the books start to finish – often only skimmed if I read at all……. and I passed that class fairly easily. i was able to grasp what was going on even without reading a lot of them. Wow, was I lucky or what?
But put me into anything with grammar or spelling – I’d fail easily. I hated it – and all the rules with all the exceptions.
I nearly failed chemistry because the instructor forced us to MEMORIZE things – a lot of thing. I had trouble there.
I ran across a scrap book my mother gave me years ago – with report cards dating back into grade school. The comments I read now, wow, so ADHD! Talks out of turn, doesn’t pay attention, doesn’t get homework done on time…. the list goes on. Yet in later years, anytime I applied myself – I was successful. Key words there “apply myself”. If I was totally interested, or had something to prove, or wanted to be really certain it worked or succeeded – I would succeed.