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Re: I'm on the air in a few hours….

Re: I'm on the air in a few hours….2011-03-13T19:41:14+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? Other I'm on the air in a few hours…. Re: I'm on the air in a few hours….


Rick Green – Founder of TotallyADD
Post count: 473

Despite what the song lyrics recommend, I have decided NOT to leave my heart in San Francisco. I’m going to need it Monday at the PBS station in San Diego, and on Tuesday in Portland, Oregon. Heading to the airport soon, but doing an interview with Gina Pera first. She’s the author of ‘Is It You, Me or Adult ADD?’, which is one of the premiums we included in our PBS pledge premium.

She makes me laugh. By the way, I’ll be posting the new Challenge in the Blog this evening when I reach the hotel in San Diego. It’ll be a fun week.