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Re: Impulse control, how do you get a handle on it

Re: Impulse control, how do you get a handle on it2011-01-13T21:57:13+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Impulse control, how do you get a handle on it Re: Impulse control, how do you get a handle on it


Post count: 140

@Melissa: Forgive me for jumping in, but what you’re describing sounds like one of two situations. Either you’re dealing with a partner who actually has Aspergers (a lack of “theory of mind” and an egocentric memory that can masquerade as paranoia and gaslighting behaviour) or your ADD partner has serious oppositional defiance tendencies and more than his share of immaturity.

Living with either type of person can be extremely detrimental to a partner’s mental health. You need to get out of there. And you need to do so quietly and safely, with support. It’s not going to get better. BTDT