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Re: Impulsive teen and how to handle acohol, drugs & trouble with the law

Re: Impulsive teen and how to handle acohol, drugs & trouble with the law2010-05-03T20:13:10+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Impulsive teen and how to handle acohol, drugs & trouble with the law Re: Impulsive teen and how to handle acohol, drugs & trouble with the law


Patte Rosebank
Post count: 1517

P.S. – Drug abuse and alcoholism frequently occur in those with ADHD. They try to self-medicate with these things (and with caffeine, and with risk-taking behaviour). By getting proper treatment for ADHD, with properly prescribed and monitored medication, they don’t feel the need to self-medicate, so the risk of drug abuse and alcoholism is actually greatly reduced.