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Re: Impulsiveness and Emotional Regulation

Re: Impulsiveness and Emotional Regulation2011-12-24T18:54:30+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Impulsiveness and Emotional Regulation Re: Impulsiveness and Emotional Regulation


Post count: 14413

I have the Tuckman book, but have not read it yet =P. Now that my sleep is in control, at least passably so. I let all of the ADHD skill building and strategy to the wayside because sleep was priority. I tried to work on them both at the same time, but that overheats the brain and does nothing useful. so I’ve been complaining that my meds don’t work. but maybe due to my entire lack of effort of even attempting to focus??? lol. apparently, my brain can ignore the med completely if I put forth zero effort. hmmmmm… maybe that means it doesn’t work well? ah well.. I’m going to Spain!!!!!!!! so oh well for now. lol