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Re: Impulsiveness and Emotional Regulation

Re: Impulsiveness and Emotional Regulation2011-12-23T13:24:22+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Impulsiveness and Emotional Regulation Re: Impulsiveness and Emotional Regulation


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Tea, I did find that book to be an eye-opener regarding my own ADHD and having both partners in a marriage with ADHD. It was helpful for me because I realized that yelling at my husband for his lack of attention, etc was not the solution. So it started me down the road of looking into a diagnosis.

I just ordered the Gina Pera book that my ADHD psychiatrist recommended, couldn’t get it from the library “Is it you, me or adult ADHD? Stopping the Roller Coaster When Someone You Love Has Attention Deficit Disorder” He gave us a long book list, but highlighted this one for us.

Still not getting exercise, Bill, but at least we are doing stair climbing at home – better than nothing.