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Re: Impulsivity vs compulsivity question

Re: Impulsivity vs compulsivity question2010-09-11T05:07:35+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Impulsivity vs compulsivity question Re: Impulsivity vs compulsivity question


Post count: 14413

Shy quiet daydreamer = internalizer; social gregarious energetic = externalizer. What were you like before the age of 5? After that age, we learn adaptive strategies. We explore the other side of the line for a while. An internalizer tries to be an extrovert for a while; an extrovert tries to be an introvert. We try to find balance, ying-yang; head-heart; Republicans-Democrats; Liberals-Conservatives; Venus-Mars etc. If we can’t find it within ourselves, we marry someone who has what we miss. Ergo, balance. Sometime, as in ADD, the person has extremes of both anxiety and impulsivity. They are NOT balanced though they tried to be.

Does that help, Roachella?