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Re: In a relationship with someone in denial

Re: In a relationship with someone in denial2011-01-03T04:37:45+00:00

The Forums Forums For The Non-ADD Relationships In a relationship with someone in denial Re: In a relationship with someone in denial


Post count: 173

Jacob: One thing you need to understand is, ADHDers have spent most of our lives trying to hide our difficulties from other people. This can make it very difficult to admit that something is wrong

Instead of trying to get your boyfriend to go in and get a diagnosis, perhaps you should pick the one symptom that bothers you the most, and talk to him about it? Make the discussion a problem-solving session, rather than a blaming session, say things like “I noticed that you have trouble with x. What can we do to make that easier on the both of us?”

Focus on the behaviours that are bothering you, rather than trying to diagnose your boyfriend for now.