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Re: In a spin.

Re: In a spin.2011-02-21T23:38:00+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Struggling In a spin. Re: In a spin.


Post count: 14413

Was just sitting here thinking about how people can find out what they want to ‘be’ in life….

That phrase is so indicative of how we judge people now…by their employment and money.

I realize we all need money to pay bills, etc etc but how did we come to let it almost exclusively govern our self-worth?

If someone has a blue-collar job he is viewed as lower than someone in a white-collar job, even though the blue-collar worker may be a wonderful, helpful, loving person.

No wonder so many of us have low self-esteem.

The value system today is backwards. We’ve been designer brand brainwashed.

We AD/HD are the most loyal folks, and yet that is not valued. We love to help others and that isn’t valued.

My AD/HD friends are considered by others to be weird, and yet they are the best people I have ever known despite spotty employment.

We all struggle with jobs but shouldn’t let work wholly define our self-worth.

Separate ‘what I do’ from ‘who I am’….