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Re: in college for career. accounting not for me anymore?

Re: in college for career. accounting not for me anymore?2010-11-27T18:47:28+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace College in college for career. accounting not for me anymore? Re: in college for career. accounting not for me anymore?


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I am a CPA with ADD. At age 38 I had a mid-life crisis and returned to college to change careers to become a CPA and obtained a Masters of Science in Taxation. I failed at the first two CPA firms. I hated the cubicle. I started my own business at age 46, because I didn’t think I could be a good employee. My brother was diagnosed with ADD and told me at age 48 when I was ready to give up. I am now age 60 and have operated my own business for over 14 years.. My solution was to start my own business as a sole practioner limiting my practice to estate, gift and trust taxation, trustee services, fiduciary accounting and wealth transfer planning. It involves lots of turn over in clients, interaction with attorneys; there is always one black sheep in every family. I am always dealing with stress, emotion, interesting people and multiple issues. Perfect accounting niche for ADD. I still struggle and because part of my ADD condition desires clients to appreciate my work, I’m afraid to charge them enough to earn an income comparable to other CPAs. I have met two other male CPAs about my age who have ADD and they left public account for corporate accounting and they continue to struggle in that environment. I have met one female CPA with ADD who is a few years younger, who has her own practice but she struggles because she continues to try to operate a traditional CPA business model. I think she needs to niche to her ADD. So I’m here to confirm that it is possible for you to build your ADD friendly accounting/tax career by developing your own niche based upon learning who you are as a person. I will never be rich, but I am respected, I have great clients, and I’m not bored.