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Re: in college for career. accounting not for me anymore?

Re: in college for career. accounting not for me anymore?2010-11-30T04:53:06+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace College in college for career. accounting not for me anymore? Re: in college for career. accounting not for me anymore?


Post count: 14413

Actually I find computers to be interesting. I think there is something tactile about working with them that suits the ADD brain. I have taken a few courses in Networking, PC repair, Web development and visual programming. I think that Networking is where I will go because there are a variety of tasks to do in that environment. I can NOT sit in one place for 8 hours. A networking tech or a pc repair tech has many various tasks to do. Programming or database work would bore me to tears and for the ADD brain would be impossible to focus. I think IT is a good option for some ADD brins. I like the fact that the work often entails strange hours, alone without the 9-5 distractions.This of course if you can stand late shift work.