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Re: Inability to visualize

Re: Inability to visualize2012-01-16T17:36:38+00:00

Post count: 596

No distraction, ADHD multi focus :-)

But perhaps your learning style is best suited to auditory methods. Sounds like your auditory sense is very strong.

That connection was also mentioned in one of the WIkipedia articles. Of course not suggesting that wiki is an authority,but certainly an interesting starting point ( thought I had to throw that in there before someone blasts my lack of credible sources!)

Oh too bad about the non-existance thing – I was on the phone when I found that one so haven’t read it yet :-)

But what about the connection between forming mental images and vision problems? Found anything there?

Oh by the way, you mentioned poetry – can;’ stand it! Way too slow for me somehow. And forget about long descriptive paragraphs in books – they drive me crazy!!! That must be an ADD impatience thing.

The fact that you mention having photographic memory as a child but now say you have a strong auditory memory. According to this article – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eidetic_memory

it’s sort of part and parcel of the same sort of thing:

Eidetic memory ( /aɪˈdɛtɪk/), commonly referred to as photographic memory, is a medical term, popularly defined as the ability to recall images, sounds, or objects in memory with extreme precision and in abundant volume.

But it also mentions that there is a controversy as to whether eidetic memory actually exists