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No_dopamine and Curlymoe115 though I never sold newspapers I completely get what you’re both saying. I have amazing interpersonal skills and people always love me right off the bat. I’ll chat you up and have you feeling like we’ve been best friends since childhood. My problem is when it comes down to talking money… It’s just something that I can’t do! I’m very passionate about my business and can have an amazing conversation (face-to-face) with a potential client about how my training or 1-on-1 coaching will benefit their employees or themsevles but as soon as it’s time to give them a price I freak out inside. Not sure why but I just can’t talk money. Many times I’ll end up reducing the price out the gate because I’m afraid they’re going to say that my rates are too high, then I’ll lose the business all together. 9 times out of 10 when I do give a reduced rate they don’t blink an eye at the price I quoted and I beat myself up because I could’ve gotten my normal rate.
I have a meeting with a potential client (Fortune 500 company) in 10 minutes and I’m FREAKING OUT! Do I quote my normal rate and if it’s too high pray I can muster up some negotiation skills to still get them to hire me?!?
This is the biggest problem when you’re strapped for cash. You’re so desperate for money that you’ll do anything for a paid work…even if it’s far below what you are worth or what the market rate is. If I (and my business) were financially stable I wouldn’t in a million years consider reducing my rates! However my rent is due on the 1st and at this point i’m not sure I’ll have enough money to pay it so I’m desperate to get clients.
*sigh* I just feel so stressed out!