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Re: Integrated Listening Systems – Dr Hallowell

Re: Integrated Listening Systems – Dr Hallowell2010-11-29T08:51:56+00:00

Post count: 14413

I have never in my life posted on any page but felt compelled quite strongly to post on this one. I have a 9 year old son who hasn’t been diagnosed with ADD but has shown classic signs over the years as well as Giftedness, Aspergiers, and a few others to boot. My son definately has Sensory Processing Disorder and Dyslexia, dyspraxia & dysgraphia (as well as a lack of concentration in class, agitated movement constantly, impulse control problems and many other behavioural difficulties. He has also had a severe bullying incident at school leading to PTSD which didn’t help.

What I am writing to say is after many paths we have been lead down, systems that don’t work for him we have just completed 30 days of ILS training here in NEW ZEALAND and 2 terms(10 weeks each) of extra lesson and the results have been incredible. Yes we did question the expense but it has been well worth it. I won’t call it a miracle cure & we certainly have a long way to go but it has completely helped my son in many different ways. He now sleeps through the night after 9 years! The difficulties with sensory meltdowns at home, at school and in the community have completely stopped! He is far more responsive to his environment, is concentrating in class and is way more relaxed. The teacher has noticed it and she was pretty sceptical, other friends and family have noticed it and it has certainly helped our home environment heaps.

Our Paediatrician said it was a questionable untested programme but I cant wait to see him again & I think even he will notice the difference. I am not saying that it will work for everyone & it took a huge amount of daily travelling, time & commitment to the daily exercises but I feel it has been well worth it. After alot of research (and I can say I was pretty sceptical myself) and soul searching we decided to go ahead with this. We will never regret it. I would highly reccommend researching the above website ILS.com and investigating further anyone whos child cannot cope in school(mainly due to sensory processing disorders.