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Re: Intergrated Listening – endorsed by Hallowell – does this work at all?

Re: Intergrated Listening – endorsed by Hallowell – does this work at all?2010-11-08T23:28:00+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Intergrated Listening – endorsed by Hallowell – does this work at all? Re: Intergrated Listening – endorsed by Hallowell – does this work at all?


Post count: 165

@ Gina: I tried a local ‘doc’ with no appreciable results at a cost of a few thousand $. So I agree – I tried a local biofeedback practitioner who publishes this list of credentials:


The Neurotherapeutic Treatment of ADD, Autism, Depression, and More

Paul G. Swingle, Ph.D., is a Fellow of the Canadian Psychological Association and was Lecturer in Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School from 1991 to 1998. Professor Swingle was Chairman of the Faculty of Child Psychology at the University of Ottawa from 1972 to 1977, and Clinical Supervisor from 1987 to 1997. He has also taught at McGill University, Dalhousie University and McMaster University. He is a Registered Psychologist in British Columbia and is (BCIA) Certified in Biofeedback and Neurotherapy. Since 1997 he has been in a private practice in Vancouver, British Columbia. His most recent book, “Biofeedback for the Brain” (2008), was published by Rutgers University Press. Swingle and Associates also offers training workshops in Vancouver and at other locations around the world”.