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Re: International ADHD Consensus Statement

Re: International ADHD Consensus Statement2012-01-20T03:30:03+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? The Neurology International ADHD Consensus Statement Re: International ADHD Consensus Statement


Post count: 285

I can’t help but chime in: I just think it’s sad that a document like that has to be written – why? All I can think of is that there are far more people out there to make a buck than to actually help people to be well and happy and prosperous in their lives.

You actually have to get a bunch of people together to say – REALLY – the science is there to say that ADD is REAL and it’s hurting people’s lives, and we’re not just going to keep silent as article after article comes out, written by journalists (not scientists) trying to sell a story, that these doctors are just trying to drug up all our kids to sell more pills and the parents and teachers just want to give kids pills so they’ll sit still and quit being kids because they’re too lazy to clean up a little spilled milk or properly discipline Johnny… UGH

Something I’ve noticed – people believe a lie more easily than the truth! Lies are constructed so easily to fit with people’s beliefs and what they want to hear. The truth is messy and confusing and inconvenient. So… these doctors end up having to write something really stern and rigid and “black and white” because it’s the only way to defend against the slanderous misinformation that’s out there making their job so hard.

I would take that document with a grain of salt – it’s a political document created to win debates, not for patients to read as a help guide. I’m glad they are trying to fight against the lies – too bad they have to do that. Now they could be creating statements that could hold someone with ADD back if is is used to say that we cannot be relied upon or trusted, even if we’ve been treated, due to our disabled broken state. They’re damned if they do, damned if they don’t…