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Re: Is it really medication my only/best treatment?

Re: Is it really medication my only/best treatment?2010-10-11T01:18:25+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Is it really medication my only/best treatment? Re: Is it really medication my only/best treatment?


Post count: 14413

Hi TotallyADDiva

Wow. That’s a lot for the psychiatrist to expect you to deal with all at once.

1. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor, and may have some experience with eating disorders. However, it might be advisable to get a second opinion from a doctor who specializes in bariatrics. He or she would probably be able to give you a broader spectrum of options. I hope that there’s somebody in that field available where you are.

2. and 3. Could it be possible that in your case the ADHD is to some degree a consequence of the hypermania. Maybe a long term lack of proper restorative sleep (even if you don’t feel that you need it), is affecting your ability to focus and concentrate? Or even your appetite or the way you metabolize food? It might be worth researching this and exploring it further with the psychiatrist. Be sure he knows about your sister’s reaction to her medication.

If the patient doesn’t modify his eating patterns after having gastric bypass, then yes, there can be consequences like vomiting. I wouldn’t consider ongoing vomiting “normal” though. Whether your father’s vomiting is the result of this or something else is something he should be discussing with his doctor.